Arclay Natural Technologies
Arclay Natural Technologies
376 Broadway, Suite 26, Saratoga Springs, New York, NY 12866

518 490 1226 / 877 576 8286
Arclay Natural Technologies

“Develop natural technologies, bring them to market, create value and make the world a better place, naturally.’’

Arclay’s Mission

Arclay LLC creates, develops and markets natural technologies. It focuses on Natural Clay Mineral Suspension Technologies (MST) to naturalize health and personal care, agricultural, environmental and other functional products and innovations.

Arclay LLC markets natural technologies and ingredients to major corporations in their quest to offer more natural products and meet growing consumer expectations to reduce the use of health damaging ingredients and processes.

Arclay Mineral Suspension Technology

This unique technology maintains the essential elements of a specific European Illite green clay suspended in natural spring water and allows for the creation of unique actives and delivery systems made only from natural ingredients. Arclay’s technology manipulates the adsorption, absorption and ionic exchange processes and enhances key benefits found in Green Illite clay. This natural process creates unique ingredients and formulations for health and personal care, agricultural, environmental and other functional products and innovations.

Studies on Illite clay are very limited, although interests in scientifically proving its healing and anti-microbial effects are growing. Research conducted with our scientific advisors indicates strongly that the Arclay mineral suspension technology has the ability to inhibit the growth of pathogen in a given environment. The current data shows in vitro and in vivo results on how the Arclay Mineral Suspension Technology has been able to reduce the negative impact of gram positive bacteria.

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